Source Code


1. Online news aggregate site where users can submit articles and compose humorous headlines to accompany them. Community-moderated. Permits NSFW entries that would cause submitters to be banned elsewhere, thus the name.
2. Destination for mass-exodus from heavy-handed moderators at Fark.

I submitted a NSFW photoshop contest to banniNation. Entries are due in two days.

by BlueGargoyle May 18, 2007

170๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž


A collection of internet community exiles, most notably from Fark, who left their previous sites due to heavy-handed moderators that didn't appreciate their brilliant posts to Goatse or didn't feel loved enough and made a hissyfit after the Fark redesign. Forums are a combination of Fark and /b/, and the website format is a near-copy of Fark.

The redesign insulted my religion and robbed me of my dignity. I'm going to BanniNation.com.

by supdude789 June 5, 2007

35๐Ÿ‘ 112๐Ÿ‘Ž


The result of a serious infraction on a server, usually game related. The offending party is banned from returning to the server, which has been transliterated into the pseudo-leetspeak "Banninated"

Gay porn sprays on my Counter-Strike: Source server? Banninated!

by samurairas March 5, 2005

21๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Being permanently banned or removed from an online web forum. Usually the result of excessive abuse of forum rules.

Any forum users who have usernames that include hate speech will face bannination at the hands of the admin.

by Joe January 25, 2005

125๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


To baleet or ban a user from a message board. Usually spoken in the context of LUE. Bannination can result from one of the following:
1. Posting LUEshi
2. Insulting CJayC
3. Posting LUEshi
4. Flaming other users
5. Posting LUEshi
6. Posting links to pr0n
7. Posting LUEshi
8. Posting LUEshi

LUEser 1: *posts LUEshi*

LUEser 2: Oh noes! Ceejus will banninate you for posting LUEshi!

LUEser 3: *saLUEtes*

by stuvy May 29, 2004

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A collection of users banned from Fark.com (usually for being mindless trolls and blatantly abusing the terms of service) created a website where they could discuss (read "sandbox fight about") abortion, creationism, politics and Drew Curtis' alignment with Satan repeatedly on a daily, and often bi-daily basis. Most stories submitted and "front paged" appeared on sites not frequented by a 90% double-digit IQ audience such as Fark.com, Slashdot.org, and Digg.com days, and even weeks earlier. The low number of users means that submission requires a low number of votes to be "front paged" , therefore a submitter only need to e-mail a few friends asking for them to "vote up" their submission, therefore exposing the submission to a much larger audience of possibly 50 people (if it's raining in Alabama) . Users of bN have been known to create websites devoted to exposing the "fraud" and "conspiracy" behind Fark.com, one going as far as to state that Fark.com had been purchased by a large media corporation, and that this was being covered up by Drew Curtis, then owner and creator of Fark.com. This statement was debunked when the source was proven to be hilariously fake.
As an addendum, not one user of banniNation will admit to being permanently banned from Fark.com. They all quit of their own free will. They also have a habit of attempting to skew criticism by voting negatively on opposing views on the website urbandictionary.com.
To conclude, banniNation is much like The Shawshank Redemption, but with more anal rape.

"Let's go to the beach and kick sand in the faces of the bannination users. No wait, they're already doing that themselves. Let's get some ice cream."

by Ceiling Cat is watching you flamewar August 27, 2007

42๐Ÿ‘ 128๐Ÿ‘Ž


When someone commits a LUEicide, they get BANNINATED.


by cheeseguy May 25, 2004

5๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž