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Best Cheaters in Texas, paintball slang to describe a small yet powerfull group of tournament players in Texas, Texas paintballers who are talented but cheat to win because they can.
an awarded position in Texas paintball, it must be earned by pulling off an obvious cheat at a major tournament while beng seen by everyone but the refs.

"I would have won the event but the BCIT showed up and knocked us out of the event

by BigDaddyCool July 2, 2009

12👍 2👎


British Columbia Institute of Technology

British Columbia Institute of technology is BC's largest post-secondary institution. BCIT offers part-time and full-time courses and programs in technology.

1. I graduated from BCIT!

2. I'm thinking about going to BCIT

by daddy7860 January 9, 2010

27👍 10👎


BCIT = Best Cheaters in Texas
A large group of paintball players linked by their desire to be the very best, to win at all cost and not to care who knows it. They proudly display the BCIT logo for the world to see and dare any ref. to catch them. BCIT is not affiliated with any one company /brand / or team but rather is lose confederation of players who like to play paintball at the highest levels. BCIT has spawned other offshoot groups such as BCIF (Best cheaters in Florida, BCIC Best cheaters in California, etc, but none are as wild, fun, skilled or dedicated the sport of paintball. Remember"If you can't beat'em---Cheat'em and if you can beat'em--Cheat'em for practice"

BCIT are the Best Cheaters in Texas

by BigDaddyCool October 7, 2014


A school filled with rednecks, rich white people, and furries. Everyone’s either stoned or vaping and the teachers don’t give a shit when you come to school high as hell. People ask for dap pens and Juuls like there pencils here. Also you will see some kids (that need to wash there damn asses)walking around school with tails and cat ears on.

I go to school stoned everyday; I must go to BCIT.

by Yedlelele October 27, 2018

4👍 11👎


Burlington County Institute of Technology.It has it's cliques Stoners,Nerds,Posers,Ghetto Kids,Metal Heads,Skaters,and Preps. Has cameras practically every 2 feet. If your caught out of uniform of without I.D. automatic detention. It's pretty big and probably gets A LOT of funding. Occasionally there's a good fight but there's always drama.

R.I.P Muriah. She Was A Senior 09-10 at BCIT-West.

by W3ightl3ss March 4, 2010

BCIT Westampton

BCIT has become a huge trap house for carts and juuls. Also home of 50% of nj hoes. Full of kids who play Voodoo and shit at the lunch tables. If you brake dress code you got 25-to life. Also the founding place of “slap boxing

BCIT Westampton “Y’all wanna shoot the 30 rn?”

by @Jrzy_blake November 18, 2019

11👍 1👎

bcit westech

Burlington County Institute of Technology, Where theres high security, who will come running if they see a “ fight” or any suspicion. A big hit place for vaping, carts, and etc. Filled with emos, ghetto kids, blue lives matter kids, skaters, stoners, and more. There’s always a ol good entertainment happens least twice a week. There’s always drama no matter what.

Ayo, there’s a fight happening in the back of the cafeteria at bcit westech!

by wack0shroomz September 21, 2021