BDX Clan is a world recognised fortnite clan. BDX Stands for business document exchange. The clan consists of BDX EarthLizard, BDX suixcode and BDXDan7.
The clan has 55 wins altogether and 1668 kills at the time of composing this scripture. Don’t mess with us or you’ll get no scope trickshotted from 200 meters away by BDX Suixcode.
Best builder: BDXEarthLizard
Best aimer: BDX Suixcode
Big headed man: BDX dan7
BDX Clan has ruined the day of 1668 individuals
A group of 3 people, Dan Kian and Thomas
Dan is the only one who knows how to game while the other 2 are overweight 6 year olds.
The clan is made of 2 weird fortnite fans (kian and thomas) and 1 normal people. When asked, they say Dan is an idiot.
BDX Clan lost every event this season!