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breast implants

fake tits

A womans breast implants burst at Taco Bell yesterday.

by Donald Cowboy Cerrone October 12, 2017

29👍 6👎

breast implants

breast implants, often silicon or saline. It should be performed by a plastic surgeon who is approved by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

I got breast implants and my figure has completely changed!

by elenitn July 30, 2008

65👍 23👎

Breast Implants

Airbags for women

Doctor: I'm Sorry, but your wife was in a car crash
Man: But she has no injuries
Doctor: Well if it wasn't for her breast implants she'd be dead

by KillTheDead April 17, 2010

53👍 19👎

breast implant

n. boob enhancer, melon ripener

the hooker got breast implants to brighten her career

by Scibby dibby doo April 6, 2003

56👍 23👎

Breast Implants

Anna Nicole.

Boy: Wow your boobs are like.. Anna Nicole's.. *shudder*
Girl: Sorry. I just couldn't help myself.

by Where's Omar? January 11, 2004

50👍 41👎

breast implant intellectual

Pseudo-intellectual to the highest degree. Far beyond exhibiting fake intelligence, a breast implant intellectual uses high-level vocabulary incorrectly to sound smarter. They often post on social networking sites like tumblr. and Facebook about the literature (especially coming-of-age novels) that they are currently reading to appear more intelligent. In reality, breast implant intellectuals are the dumbest motherfucking posers on the planet.

Breast implant intellectual: so, as I somnambulated through the pages of The Perks of Becoming a Wallflower, I realized that the acquiescence of the defenestratory characterization really brought out the internal struggles of the characters.
People who are actually smart: wtf srsly

by lolizzy August 2, 2012

4👍 4👎