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A drunken orgy. Which is pretty much a useless word, because it is easily understood that an orgy has to have some form of alcohol to get from standing around doing nothing to suddenly having an orgy. However, if you want to sound intellectual using this will probably boost you up.

Derived from the Roman God Bacchus, the god of wine and sensual pleasures. Unfortunately Bacchus wasn't actually considered an Olympian, so he's not very well known and rarely pops up in many myths

Magistra: Today we'll be learning about derivatives!

Bambi: Yay!!! I've got a good one! Bacchanalia from the Roman god Bacchus. He's my favourite!

Nick: I wish I was a Roman... That way I could have bacchanalia's all the time.

by Anonymous Alias March 20, 2008

26👍 5👎


A riotous or drunken festivity

wine and party

by Eden February 17, 2003

24👍 9👎


a drunken orgy.

Hey man, will I catch you at the weekly bacchanalia later on?

by ChzMstrX November 24, 2001

18👍 8👎


A Caesar's Army Festival that consist of 3 Events in 2 Days that's gonna make ya lose all morals, values, sleep....and memory!

Can one purchase tickets to a Bacchanalia?

by @caesarsarmy January 29, 2020