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When a person is zoned into whatever they are doing, totally oblivious to another person talking to them. Unaware of an entire conversations being held.

Example- The Board Guy tells Banks that his unit is on fire. But he was Banks-InOut and didn't hear. While the rest of the shift heroically puts out the fire, and came back to the control room. Banks to this day, still never new anything had happened.

by LABops August 14, 2021


When a person is zoned into whatever they are doing, totally oblivious to another person talking to them. Unaware of an entire conversations being held.

Example- The Board Guy tells Banks that his unit is on fire. But he was Banks-InOut and didn't hear. While the rest of the shift heroically puts out the fire, and came back to the control room. Banks to this day, still never new anything had happened.

by LABops August 14, 2021