A militant fanboy for the video game company Bethesda. Despite the fact that Bethesda hasn’t made a good game since Skyrim in 2011, Bethesdrones will eat up whatever Todd Howard shits on their plates due to their obsessive fanboyism and having nostalgia goggles stapled to their faces.
They’ll defend Bethesda to the death no matter what and continue to give the company their money.
Bethesda creates microtransactions in Oblivion in 2006, leading to the entire gaming industry to embrace this & shove them down our throats in every game? Bethesdrones will defend this.
They create paid mods via the Creation Club in 2015? Bethesdrones will defend this.
Release Fallout 4 in 2015 as a casualized game that stripped away most of its original RPG elements & as a boring rehash of Fallout 3 nowhere near as good as New Vegas? Bethesdrones will defend this.
Use Creation Engine to make all their games for 12 years despite the engine being unsalvageable buggy shit, leading to patched bugs creating even more bugs? Bethesdrones will defend this & insist that “it adds to the game’s charm”.
Release ALL their games since Skyrim in an unfinished, buggy, & unoptimized state & leave Bethesdrones to patch the game for them for free, effectively acting as unpaid Jannies for the company? Bethesdrones will gladly do it for free & defend this.
Release the trainwreck that was Fallout 76? Bethesdrones will defend this.
Release Starfield as an unfinished, unoptimized, & buggy piece of shit, & also include ESG pandering wokeshit like pronouns in the game? Bethesdrones will defend this & cope by saying that “only Snoys are talking shit about Starfield since it’s not on PS5”.
Bethesdrones are the new Biodrones. They are now the most annoying, cucked, delusional, & hated gaming fanbase.
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