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bill maher

a political, atheist comedian who doesn't hate america, but is embarressed by it

"We have been the cowards lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That's cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, it's not cowardly."

by clevelandsteamer August 7, 2005

1771πŸ‘ 786πŸ‘Ž

Bill Maher

Very funny liberal who hosts 'Real Time with Bill Maher', widely regarded as one of the best shows on television. Not afraid to speak the truth, and does on most issues. Hates religion, so offends a lot. Somewhat paradoxically for a liberal, supports Israel, but let's not get into that.

Oh yeah, he also goes to Amsterdam to legally smoke pot.

Did you see Bill Maher last night? He spoke the truth on a lot of issues! How dare he!

by SenorHuevosBenedicto June 25, 2011

579πŸ‘ 258πŸ‘Ž

Bill Maher

An American comedian, writer, and show-host who shares many agnostic, liberal, and occasionally libertarian views about society. In other words, he's frickin' hilarious.

Currently hosts "Real Time with Bill Maher" Friday nights on HBO.

1: Hey man, what are up to?
2: Not much. Just watching some Bill Maher.
1: Nice. He make fun of religion yet?

by KewDrew April 17, 2006

1373πŸ‘ 785πŸ‘Ž

bill maherred

1. Like being Michael Moored, but nobody watched the movie it happened in. So it is like it never happened, anyway. 2. A non event.

1. Some faggy Jesus freaks got Bill Maherred in "Religulous", which means it's like nothing ever happened.

2. I shit myself on the subway, but the car was filled with a support group of sexually impotent coprophiliacs. I bill maherred that one.

by Cunty Fresh Fanatic May 31, 2011

8πŸ‘ 138πŸ‘Ž

Real Time with Bill Maher

The HBO original Television series with political Commentator and comedian, Bill Maher.

In 2002 Maher was the subject of controversy when on his original "Politically Incorrect's September 17 show, had guest Dinesh D'Souza disputing the Bush's label of calling the 9-11 terrorists, "Cowards". She said the terrorists were warriors. Maher agreed and replied "We have been the cowards, lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That's cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, it's not cowardly".

His show was canceled on ABC and Real Time premiered on HBO on February 21, 2003

Bill Maher out lasted President Bush when his show "Real Time with Bill Maher" was picked up for another season in 2009.

by Amadscientist April 19, 2009

35πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Bill Maher Head Slam

A hypothetical sex act purportedly invented by comedian/orator/cunt addict Bill Maher, in which prostaglandins (vaginal dilators) are administered to a woman, while a man wearing a nasal respirator (to allow use of mouth) shoves his head into the dilated vagina, and orally stimulates the GrΓ€fenburg Spot (G-spot) until the woman orgasms. Comedienne/actress Sarah Silverman is allegedly the first woman to have received the first Bill Maher Head Slam, thus no prostaglandins would have been needed. No proof yet exists of it ever happening, and shouldn't be preformed without a licensed obstetrician or Bill Maher present.

conservative man: What would you like me to do honey.

liberal woman: I want a Bill Maher Head Slam. (Woman explains the sex act.)

conservative man: Aww sick! I'll just give you a rim job, I'm still a recovering homosexual. This transition is rough enough.

(Lame sex ensues. Nobody cums.)

by Cunty Fresh Fanatic November 11, 2010

12πŸ‘ 227πŸ‘Ž