1. German word for "ask".
2. Can also be used as "please", like in the sentence: "eine Currywurst, bitte" (= "a curried sausage please").
3. "Bitte" is also used by a waiter or someone offering a service to attract the customer's attention. We might translate it by "Can I help you?".
4.You would also say "bitte" when handing things over to somebody. In this context it would mean "Here you are". You would expect the person to whom you were handing over the object to respond by saying "danke" (see below).
5. "Bitte" is also used as a response to "danke", which is the German equivalent of "thanks" or "thank you". "Bitte" then means "You're welcome!" or "Don't mention it!". This acknowledgement of thanks is not simply a matter of politeness - it can be impolite not to follow a "danke" with a "bitte", since to a German speaker you may appear to be refusing their thanks.
"Danke" is often followed by either "schΓΆn" or "sehr". If so, then the "bitte" response will be similarly modified. The following table listens the pattern of responses:
Person1: danke schΓΆn!
Person2: bitte schΓΆn!
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1) A German word that can mean "please", "thanks" and a lot of other things like "you're welcome".
2) A French word that is much easier to learn since it only means one thing: a dick. Apparently German people like to use this word a lot.
Man: Tu veux voir ma bitte ? (English: Do you want to see my dick?)
Woman: Ja bitte! (English: Yes please!)
41π 7π
the german word thankyou. used by us to make fun of the germans.
in school the teacher is calling the roll. jack- bitte chris - bitte
bitte bitte bitte bitte bitte bitte bitte
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Definition: an abbreviation of the word Bitch usually used when someone is happy. Not used much in a deroggatory way
BackGround: From Internet
When you like something you say, Ya Bitt!
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A Clan Deets word, invented by "Kyle" AKA "Kybes" or "Kybes", mostly meaning Mother, or in some rare instances, Father.
"Bitts said I could come over tomarrow"
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The shortened term of "bitch." Used when it is inappropriate to say the word "bitch" in front of women. Can also be a term of endearment.
Look at that bitt! Man, work was a real bitt today.
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