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blind meat

A penis with a very tight foreskin that can't be retracted when penis is erect. The penis head or glans can't be seen. This condition is called "phimosis"

Dude....you should get that blind meat snipped!

by microaperture December 29, 2011

8👍 4👎

blind meat

An uncircumcised penis, when it's uncut, it can't see, hence it's blind meat!

Uncut guy: "Check out my blind meat dude"
Uncut guy's friend: "Gross, put that away dude"

by Sores April 7, 2009

9👍 6👎

Meat Blinds

A more respectful way of saying “meat curtains” or “beef curtains”.

Andy: Hey listen, those shorts are far too skimpy, one can almost see your meat blinds

Simon: Andy, I’ll wear what I want, and, for the last time, I have balls.

by Pogoextreme April 1, 2021