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Noun: A doe-eyed fool; a pollyanna-ish innocent; an overly-optimistic simpleton. Someone who wants to make the world oh-so-safe for everyone, i.e., if we are very, very careful, nothing bad (or good) will ever happen to anyone.

The blissninnies of the left (like any blissninny) want to ban all firearms, so that only the criminals will have them.

by Rory Cheeney April 30, 2007

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A person who has become intoxicated with positive feeling from their religious or spiritual experience and lacks the balance of proper grounding or training.

β€˜He just started meditating and is still in his Blissninny stage.”

by Spike-o-matic October 26, 2020


A non-pragmatic person who promotes ideals like if we all hold hands and sing kumbaya while exerting positive energy vibrations we can make all the bad things in the world go away. They can usually be found attending Burning Man{ or at a yoga retreat in Malibu where all the vortexes are.

No, I don’t want to join your love tribe you damn blissninny!

by Lola Jean June 30, 2019