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Blue Maga is a term directed towards Horseshoe Leftists who support Putin. It originated from the tribalism that usually assists Berniecrats who end up on the same side as Original MAGA voters who support Donald Trump. In both scenarios no matter what Blue Maga/Maga does even if it is extremely negative they will support Putin no matter what.

Blue Maga still supports Putin even after he used cluster munitions on the citizens of Ukraine. Let's help him and Trump by lying about student loan debt -- especially the part where Blue MAGA lies about student loan debt so we can give a trillion dollars to people making anywhere from $100,000 to many MILLIONS of dollars, PER YEAR. Sure, it's Reaganomics -- but White Male Populist Berniecrats have ALWAYS been about Trickle Down Economics!

by the modhatter September 24, 2023

217๐Ÿ‘ 18841๐Ÿ‘Ž


Blue MAGA is a term directed toward socially-sonservative Berniecrats who have lost their damned minds and who now support war and genocide because PUTIN, OLIGARCHS, AND FOSSIL FUELS MAD GOOD!

Blue MAGA is screeching on X right now, "Why are Democrats so mad that a racist rapist pedophile so upset that a criminal is being indicted for crimes he's admitted to openly? WE SUPPORT PUTIN'S IMPERIALISM TO SHOW HOW ANTI-IMPERIALIST WE ARE!!!"

by the modhatter August 17, 2023

292๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž


Like Republican Red MAGA, Blue MAGA are libertarian populists who use organizations like "Justice Democrats" to infiltrate the Democratic Party pretending to be members of the party, running for election in safe Blue districts, and then voting against the party platform, siding with the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene to protect Russian oligarchs, block marginalized communities from getting clean water and modern infrastructure, and even going so far as denying Ukraine and Israel defenses against genocide. In fact, now that their false messiah Bernie Sanders has renounced Hamas, his cult is renouncing HIM. Even though Israel and Judah have lived in the area now known as Israel for thousands of years, occupiers are now calling for genocide of Israel "from the river to the sea," and people like Rashida Tlaib called that genocide "aspirational." Blue MAGA goes so far as to tear down Missing Children posters and killing senior citizens who happen to be Jewish -- which in their minds means "Zionist" or "Soros" or whatever Blue/Red MAGA is calling them this week.

Blue MAGA: "Can you BELIEVE they censured Rashida Tlaib for genocide?"
Decent people: "Didn't you censure Paul Gossar for making anime about AOC?"
BM: "So? You think Blue MAGA's hate is rational???"

by the modhatter November 9, 2023

127๐Ÿ‘ 18790๐Ÿ‘Ž


A US voter on the Horseshoe Left whose support for Bernie Sanders, AOC (short for Agent Of Chaos), or other Alt Left figures mirrors the emotional fervor of Donald Trump supporters. This typically involves lionizing political figures as larger-than-life and saintly, buying political merchandise, and generally treating politics more akin to a sports team or cultural lifestyle.
A portmanteau of "blue" (the color most frequently associated with Blue Dog Democrats) and "MAGA" (Make America Great Again, Donald Trump's 2016 election slogan).
A more conspiratorially-minded Blue MAGA would be called a BlueAnon (Blue + QAnon).

You bought an Elizabeth Warren votive candle and a Nina Turner costume? You've gone full Blue MAGA!

by the modhatter January 5, 2023

358๐Ÿ‘ 18965๐Ÿ‘Ž


A pejorative term that attempts to create a false equivalency between Joe Bidenโ€™s and Donald Trumpโ€™s supporters and/or policies.

Often used by Green Party voters to shame Democratic voters for voting against the โ€œlesser of two evilsโ€ instead of voting for a third party candidate that has exactly zero chance of winning in the general election and thereby benefits the Republican candidate.

This phenomenon of having no conceptual understanding of how the US electoral system works in reality can be observed on various social media platforms. The purveyors of this nonsensical narrative usually sport rose emojis in their name or profile and looking through their post history, their ignorance and fallacious arguments are nearly indistinguishable from an actual Trump supporter.

โ€œImagine using the term โ€˜Blue MAGAโ€™ unironically to try to equate the fascist right wing and the moderate left wing.โ€

by apathetic_ny July 16, 2022

516๐Ÿ‘ 407๐Ÿ‘Ž



Blue Maga is a term directed towards Berniecratss who support the Republican Party and even Genocide by Russia, rather than support Democrats. It originated from the tribalism that turns supposed "leftists" against Democratic voters, and is related to Horseshoe Theory, which explains why Berniecrats have acted just like the MAGA voters who support Donald Trump. In both scenarios no matter what Blue Maga/Maga does, even if it is extremely negative, Blue/Original MAGA will support that group no matter what.
Blue Maga still supports Bernie Sanders and his Genocide Squad even after they supported Russia using cluster munitions, lied to everyone about student loan debt being able to be cancelled With The Stroke Of A Pen, and lied about supporting universal health care, which Bernie Sanders helped the GOP tank back when they called it "Hillarycare."

Because so many of these Closet Conservatives use the Rose in their profiles, "Blue MAGA" is also synonymous with "Rose MAGA."

"Ever since 2016, it's hard to tell if these Bernie Bros are Russian Bots or Trump Supporters."
"That's Blue MAGA for you!"

by the modhatter July 20, 2023

351๐Ÿ‘ 19286๐Ÿ‘Ž


Term for people who behave exactly like Trump supporters but who are instead aligned with Bernie Sanders and other Putinists. In 2016, Blue MAGA was used by Democrats to describe Berniecrats who frequently express their hatred of anti-fascist Democrats. Of course, Berniecrats have adopted Orwell's Newspeak to try to distance themselves from their own fascism -- even though Newspeak is inherently fascist.

I criticized yet another one of Bernie's votes where he sided with the Republicans, and Berniecrats have been flooding my DMs with death threats ever since. Thanks a lot Blue MAGA.

by the modhatter July 27, 2022

375๐Ÿ‘ 19386๐Ÿ‘Ž