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(Inspired by my Egyptian friend) Someone who acts a fool of themselves consistently. This is applicable to any action or behavior.

Man, JP is such a bousey. I swear he's always capping to make himself look cooler.

by UrMumGayLol42069 November 13, 2019

8👍 1👎


Shittiest rebounder to ever play varsity basketball. The Panthers only chose him because the gay guy looked good in purple. Has his own brand of shoes, pronounced Bow-sey shoes. Z-Dion#10 is better than him.

Bousey got tooled on in that game the other day. He made everyone who boxed him out look as strong as Deron Williams!

by Randy Foye August 18, 2008

4👍 11👎


A nightmarish creature, slightly larger than a human head, white, slimy and vaguely heart shaped. Its method of attack is to produce a feeling of extreme discomfort and sliminess in the stomach area of its victims by attaching itself to them. If attacked, the white slimy body would reveal a "bone"-shaped twig-like entity at its centre, which, when snapped in two, would yield *another* bousey. Using a form of mind control, the bousey would compel you to snap the twig and re-create itself once attacked.

Help! I'm being attacked by a bousey!

by Rick Mills September 7, 2004

6👍 9👎