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brick head

a dumbass or stupid person

you dont lick electrical sockets you brickhead

by butter doug July 28, 2005

33👍 9👎

brick head

London (UK) slang for firefighters, used by people who... aren't firefighters.

Paramedic: Fucking hell, it takes ages for the brick heads to get here.
Police Officer: Yea, I'll be dead by the time they arrive.

by sayalex3 August 3, 2021

1👍 2👎

Brick head

Used to describe someone who is quite stupid

Your such a brick head

by DoorHandle1234 January 5, 2017

10👍 5👎

Mexican brick weed penguin head

This little shit right here 🐧

Shit, here comes Mexican brick weed penguin head again, that bodyless fucker always stinks like Mexican brick weed.

by MistahCheeks March 7, 2016

6👍 2👎