The results of When Bro A accidentally roofies Bro B instead of his intended female target. Bro A then violently analy assaults Bro B so he doesn’t waste his roofie.
Bro B has no recollection of the event, but wonders why his rectum is painfully inflamed
Dick Shirt Jon: I’m not sure but I think that moron Drink Drugging Mike Sam the Red Bro Dozed me last night. My ass is on fire.
Intense anal sex between two Bros.
Erika: Did you hear about Sam the red and Dick-shirt John Bro Dozing in the shoe parking lot?
Amy: What is wrong with them?
When one Bro engages in rough anal sex with another Bro.
Erika: Did you hear that Sam the Red got caught Bro Dozeing Dick-shirt John?
Amy What the fuck?