A boy who does his work last minute even if it is the most hardest homework in the whole year. He still somehow manages to get a B, C, or A on every homework assignment he ever does.
( Opposite of a bruhcrastinater) Hey did you finish you 100,000,00 paged essay that you are supposed to work on for a whole year.
(bruhcrastinater) Nah man I am chilling. I have not even started yet.
( Opposite of a bruhcrastinater) You do know that tomorrow is new years right.
( bruhcrastinater) ARE YOU KIDDING ME!
( Opposite of a bruhcrastinater) No I finished mine ahead of time.
(bruhcrastinater) I gotta get started.
( Opposite of a bruhcrastinater) You are a master bruhcrastinater Ryan.
( bruhcrastinater) I know Christian I know.