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Steve Brule language for : "Boden" (a last name)

"My next guest is Dr. Jimmy Brungus"

"It's actually Dr. Johnny Broden-" "Dr. Jungy Brogen!

by Stevey Brule May 25, 2010

65๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Gayistan member

โ€œJust joined gayistanโ€
โ€œTypical brungus.โ€

by rmbhstv September 16, 2021


(n)(Brule Origin) - term used for an undeniably special female who has caught the eye and tickles the fancies of an aspiring lover. She, however, is clueless to his motives of love.

"I don't want to lead you on, let's just be friends, I don't see this going anywhere." Typical Brungus response

I saw a Brungus from across the dining hall, she smiled ... I think I have a boner.

by presentedbyCB December 1, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž