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Is when somebody throws another individual under the bus to avoid responsibility or accountability, in the attempt to detour from discipline or blame.

Oh shit its going down, Matt is getting talked to about that customer issue, let the Bustossing event commence.

Hey Joe. thanks for Bustossing me to the boss again. Your such a flom

by Coles Bosox February 24, 2008

9👍 1👎


Would be the actual person doing the bustossing. This person usually does something wrong on a normal basis day to day. And is often named Joe, Matt or John.

Oh her comes Bustosser John from the bosses office. I wonder who is getting wrote up this time.

Thanks for telling the police that I sold that coke to that 12 yr old Joe, you fucking Bustosser.

Hey Matt why are you such a Bustosser? Cant you just let us work with out telling on us you fucking snitch.

by Coles Bosox February 24, 2008

7👍 1👎