CAMINISTA: One who walks the way .
The Spanish word for “way“ is Camino.
The word Caminista adds ‘Ista to camino like an expert or enthusiast for Fashion is a Fashionista or an expert in your local Coffee bar is a Barista .
The Martin Sheen film “The Way“ is about his moving Experiences along the Camino de Santiago – one the ancient pilgrimage routes throughout Spain. Those people he met along the way – his band of travellers became his “Caminista”.
Although the Spanish word for Walker is similar - Caminante ; A Caminista is a step up - a person who is part of your Camino Family who started knowing nothing and now a hiking or backpacking hero who has endured the 500 Miles of life changing physical and spiritual adventure that is the Camino de Santiago. X
* Can also apply to any long distance route - it’s all walking / hiking / backpacking
Once you have completed this hike you are true Caminista
At the end of a long days hike past the Vineyards of Rioja it was good to meet up with my Caminista