Source Code


v. - the act of being submitted to a ruthless, or otherwise cruel use of the English language. This is generally experienced by unsuspecting students of Cisco Systems' Networking Accademy who are reading the online or hard Cisco curriculum materials. Thus the terms: "CiscOwned" or "CiscOwnage"

<Cisco> "Routers use routing protocols to exchange routing tables and share routing information. In other words, routing protocols enable routers to route routed protocols." (CCNA 1, 10.2.3)
<Student> ...i want to die.

by Vorondil December 4, 2004

151👍 44👎


v. To be beaten down by CISCO

A prime example of CISCOwnage

This condition, called count to infinity, loops packets continuously around the network in spite of the fundamental fact that the destination network, Network 1, is down. The routers are counting to infinity.

by Lennyist Leader April 19, 2004

57👍 14👎