CLEE GLZAGH:fake news AKA propaganda for nick's butt pixies for rupee on the net.
James: hey wayne DO you like my butt.
Bane: tghat is a nice butt.
James: thanjk ou.
Bane: what theh heck!!!!! it's a FALSE-BUTT.
James: shut uq. CLEE-GLAGH......
Word used by Ronald Wayne in an excerpt for VanBraun, likely means Bogus, ButtCack, etc. You call it clee-glagh and commonly used as "That's straight Clee-glagh!" because it's nonsense and poppycock and users of the word will be banned from sites like
Gy: Hey hey hey
James: Pooooop poop poop99
Gy: Hey james frick that it's clee-glagh
James: Yeah poop straight clee-glagh if you ask my big ol' hiney
Gy: That's an F'ing buttcack
James: Yep yep clee-glagh's a buttcack on the web for sure, and there's no question about it
Gy: Pee
Nick: Hey hey I made a delicious treat come eat it
Gy: ok
James: On it.
Gy: Yep, it's a Clee-glagh pie ain't it?
Nick: Yeah, that's what happens when you buy fake hax. Buy it from Nick, his hax on his site called Nick'