Source Code

Call of the Cool

1. The loud booming of car stereo speakers that can be heard from a distance.

2. Non-visual presence of a vehicle signifying its approach.

"Do you hear that? Hear what? The call of the cool? Hear it, shit, I can feel it!

by Ekland Barkau August 2, 2005

3👍 6👎

Well Fuck me with a drum stick and call me Mrs. Cool

A state of being surprised and having a liking of Tre' Cool.
Also Just wanting Tre' Cool.

Did you see that Janie and Larz are going out now?
Well Fuck me with a drum stick and call me Mrs. Cool.

Hey i read Tre' cool's birth name is Frank Edwin Wright the Third.
Well Fuck me with a drum stick and call me Mrs. Cool.

by Sam Pardee January 2, 2009

15👍 19👎