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A town in Taylor county Kentucky.
A small town which appears larger because it's next to an even smaller town.
A town in which most people are poor but nearby land is so cheap that they feel rich. This, coupled with conservative values and a separatist mentality causes the majority of citizens to be completely unsympathetic towards problems anywhere else in the world.

A place where compassion, intelligence and creativity are discouraged and punished, thus proliferating an exodus of innovation and a cycle of ignorance.

For every Greensburg there is a Campbellsville.

We gotta drive 20 min to Campbellsville because they're the nearest town with a Wal*Mart.

We drove through the most awful town the other day, it was called Campbellsville; everyone there was pregnant, smoking, and wouldn't stop staring at us!

by TravelingGulliver January 2, 2012

24๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


A town in Taylor county Kentucky.

A small town which appears larger because it's next to an even smaller town.

A town in which most people are poor but nearby land is so cheap that they feel rich. A town that somehow attracts them money hungry players from Detroit and all of their pills, fentanyl, and weed gets distributed amongst all of the youth until they all get caught and locked up for trafficking. Campbellsville would also be known as the town that donโ€™t sleep due to the grown popularity of meth over the past years. Everyone and there grandfather does Meth in the CV3. This, coupled with conservative values and a separatist mentality causes the majority of citizens to be completely unsympathetic towards problems anywhere else in the world.

A place where compassion, intelligence and creativity are discouraged and punished, thus proliferating an exodus of innovation and a cycle of ignorance.
For every Greensburg there is a Campbellsville.

Greensburg is so small it could fit itโ€™s whole city inside of Campbellsville and thereโ€™d still be room.

We gotta drive 20 min to Campbellsville because they're the nearest town with a Wal*Mart.

We drove through the most awful town the other day, it was called Campbellsville; everyone there was pregnant, smoking, and wouldn't stop staring at us!



by Really Really Been him August 4, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Campbellsville high school

A school where the teachers care more about what your wearing then what your learning. & also their are a BUNCH or snakes as well as hoes and fuck boys. As well a lot of the โ€œhigh schoolersโ€ here get high instead of doing their homework on their free time.:)

Welcome to campbellsville high school

by Jwjwjejjeeej September 17, 2018

Campbellsville High School

A school worried about what people wear, more then what teachers teach. Also full of a BUNCH of fakes also hoes. & as well as fuck boys.

Wellcome to campbellsville high school.

by Jwjwjejjeeej September 17, 2018