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Cancel Culture

the act of damaging someone's life or career because they made human error.

little timmy said something offensive on accident and now cancel culture made him homeless.

by astronomia November 21, 2020

328๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cancel Culture

An Internet phenomenon in which people shun others from social media. Like ostracism, cancel culture existed to weed problematic social media users out. Either that, or to hold people accountable for their actions. But now, it's devolved into insecure people shunning anyone and anything they despise. Those who partake in this care nothing for making social media better. All they want is to make themselves feel important, and "cancelling" is the easiest way for them to do it.

Dredging people's mistakes up, over and over, isn't how you help people learn and grow. But people involved in cancel culture don't get this, as vilifying people is easier. While it's possible for things here to change, the Internet will never be the "safe space" these people want. It's a place where people from all across the world gather. And, like it or not, some people are monsters at their core. Do those people need to go? Yes, they do.

But cancel culture's so rampant it's more dangerous than the monsters could ever be. We'll soon live in a world where shunning people for the littlest thing will be commonplace. It'd happen all day, every day, all over the world. And, until cancel culture's dealt with now, that's going to be kind of world we'll live in. And that sounds like a very, very cold world to me.

Cancel culture is ruining the world.

by Otneimica April 2, 2021

103๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cancel Culture

The cancerous notion that a person who does something considered objectionable by most people should have their life ruined.

"Because this person on Instagram said that, they should be canceled forever. Yes, I support cancel culture."

by tron9200 April 5, 2022

40๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cancel Culture

1000s of people who use Social Media to single out a one time incident or bad decision by an individual to destroy their life as they know it.

I found that persons Facebook account and they work for the government. We will now overwhelm their bosses with emails and phone calls until they are fired. We will make sure they loose their home, car and & children when we are done with them! Cancel Culture Bitch!!!

by Bil-liam August 28, 2020

168๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cancel culture

Calling out an individual or a group publicly for offensive behavior in order to hold them accountable for their actions and force them to face consequences. This is mostly done on social media and is frequently mistaken as cyberbullying.

This phenomenon is quite controversial, with some seeing it as harmful and others seeing it as beneficial. And I'm on the former.

Although this tool gives everyone the ability to express themselves and empowers marginalized communities that have long been ignored. And, of course, to hold the "powerful" accountable.

It is by no means an excellent tool. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, can use this tool. Both the good and the bad. but mostly bad.

It's the equivalent of arming everyone, including children and teenagers (both literally and mentally) with firearms. However, unlike firearms, where police continue to hold people accountable for using their tools. People are free(alt account) to attack anyone who offends them even slightly.

And it doesn't have to be objectively offensive to the majority of people. So long as a small 'marginalized' group agrees with your sensitive heart. The cancellation process could then begin immediately.

Cancel culture is a powerful double-edged sword that we are providing to everyone. Meaning that the dumb people will use it frequently because it is powerful, whereas smart people will use it sparingly, i.e. rarely.

Remember, there are more adults with a child mentality than a child with an adult mentality.

1st conversation:
Person A: I can't believe they canceled that celebrity for something they said 10 years ago.
Person B: Well, they have to be accountable for their actions, even if it was in the past.
Person A: But shouldn't we forgive and move on?
Person B: Forgiveness is important, but we also have to hold people accountable and create a culture where harmful behavior is not tolerated.

2nd conversation:
Person A: Did you hear about that person who got canceled on social media?
Person B: Yeah, I'm really getting tired of cancel culture. It's like people are just looking for any reason to be outraged.
Person A: I know, right? It's like we're not even allowed to have differing opinions anymore.
Person B: Exactly. It's creating a toxic environment where people are afraid to speak their minds.

by OneWhoShallNotBeName March 6, 2023

41๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

cancel culture

The invention of satan or any evil person u belive in,cancel culture is a fenomenon where a group of bored af people mostly under 20 search thru a celebrities old AF tweets or posts and make a big deal out of an joke tame even now

ex:Technoblade tweeted 4y ago if Hitler was lesbian and now he is getting backlashed by 14 y old girls who posted all their thot pics and don t have anything to do(that s cancel culture)

by Asulsmallpp February 1, 2021

61๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cancel Culture

A term used to describe a process in which people and or businesses try to shun people from polite society usually by going after someoneโ€™s ability to make a living and or in an attempt to remove something such as books, media, and people from public access and or discourse. All in which itโ€™s justification is punishment for wrong think.

โ€œCancel culture sucksโ€

โ€œBro, his book was removed from Amazon for hate speech.โ€
โ€œWhat? but that book has no hate in itโ€
โ€œBro I know itโ€™s because it goes against the pre approved normโ€
โ€œMan, cancel Culture sucksโ€

by AllTheOtherNamesAreInUse March 4, 2021

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