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aka Cowtown, this rural town in New Hampshire located halfway between Manchester and the Atlantic Ocean is known for very little. Residents of this town are often considered hicks, but in actuallity, this town has one of the highest per-capita incomes in the state. Candia received its first traffic light in 2003.

I drove through Candia on my way to Maine from the airport the other day.

by Andy Cartier November 10, 2005

16👍 15👎


Cheer Jesus! Enough said

Er me gerd she's got moves like Candia

by Franc December 15, 2021

Matias Candia

An argentinian rapper that makes the best music. Also know for his emo look and black humor.

"Soy gay"
- Matias candia

by Esie05 April 30, 2022

2👍 1👎