The perfect combination of Harry Potter and Twilight. Both played by the gorgeous Robert Pattinson.
"So avada kadara just turns you into a really hott vampire, great plan voldy."
Me: So who do you like better Cedward or Cedward?
Person: Thats the same person.
Me: If you were cool you would know that that is clearly two people....
14👍 4👎
A joint name for the two well-known characters portrayed by actor Robert Pattinson.
Cedric Diggory, in Harry Potter, &
Edward Cullen, of the Twilight saga.
I love me some Cedward! om nom nom.
9👍 4👎
A nickname used for Robert Pattinson based on his two biggest characters, Cedric Diggory (of Harry Potter) and Edward Cullen (of Twilight).
Cedric Diggory + Edward Cullen = Cedward Diggorlen
21👍 3👎