Babies of celebrities. Competing for face space with other celebrity babies. They grow into a celebutante. Celebutot babies wear only the latest lables and are themselves trendsetters from birth. Celebutot's grow into celebutante's. Names: AUDIO SCIENCE, FIFI TRIXIBELL, JERMAJESTY, KINGSTON.
"OMG Angelina Joelie is pregnant again"
"Oh great, we need another celebutot!"
"When Paris Hilton has her baby what do you think she will call it?"
"Hotel Hilton? Who cares really it will just be another celbutot to watch!"
"My 2 year old is acting all celebutot when we got the video camera out at her cousins party!"
"Spot the celebutot in the creche"
"who is it"?
"it's the one with the Gucci nappies! (diapers)"
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