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CHASKE is a person of deep intellectual thoughts and keeps mindful of humanity. CHASKE is athletic, kind, warm, strong minded, intelligent, and flirtatiously charming. If you have a CHASKE in your life be kind and know that you have the whole world at your feet!

Chaske ; Noun; adjective: is defined as the first born boy of a family in the Lakota Culture.
Don’t worry it’s a Chaske thing!
Don’t worry Chaske will get it done without any judgements.
Wow, How did Chaske get here?

by SpiritualNative September 10, 2019

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A Nice, Funny, good looking person who would do anything for the people he cares about.

Person A: Omg I need a Chaske in my life
Person B: I know right

by GoatedN8iv April 18, 2019

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A bitchy guy. Always whines when anything doesn't go his way. Gets hurt very easily and promptly cries about it. Everyone either gets annoyed by his shit or is nice to him because they pity him. Usually gets better over time, but teen years are the worst. Tends to lie and is Asian. May be Bipolar and have low-level Aspergers.

Person A: Dude, he is being a Chaske.
Person B: Poor guy, if only he just grew a pair. :(
Person A: If he didn't wear his heart on his sleeve he would be pretty cool.

by Backwoods Burner December 4, 2013

9πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


It can be used for a term of anything; A fine "hello" in many languages.

Hey chask!; You are such a chask.; Don't be such a chask.

by Brianrocksnow October 8, 2007

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a middle school country for social studies

β€œwe are chask and we are free!”

by chustinthegoat69 May 10, 2022


Those who wear their masks covering then chin - chinmask aka chask

Why won’t he wear his mask properly, looks like a damn chask

by LadyGemOfGemville September 1, 2022