A creator of Clan name:BlackListInt In Forward assault game. Cheeerry is the one of the best player in Asia she/he manage to be in T1-T2 before 2018-2019. Until know she still a mysterious guy/girl because of her/he's past names. We still don't know who really she/he is.
Cheeerry founder of BLACKLISTINT.
A forward assault player. He's/she's in top 5 best player in Asia before but he/she left in game because of toxicity of the game
One of the toxic player CHEEERRY
A forward assault player.also know as Hacker because of her/his skill at playing the game. We still don't know if she's girl or boy because he's/she's weird
.ud Cheeerry
A professional forward assault player with a weird game play Because of he's/her skills.
He's/she's in T1-T2 in 2018 until now we still don't know who really she/he is
A professional forward assault player. Owner of BlackListInt too. He's one of the best player before but sadly he left the game and also he have last message to lordz that everyone agrees:" Lordz is trash clan in Asia idk who said they are pros they even said they are the top2 clan in FA.I can even 1v6 them so shut up kiddos-LordzK"