Local doggo residing in Western Canada (Tuckerman or Tucker for short) Initially rescued in Texas as a lonely pupper named Chewy. Legend has it the name is derived from the need to chew anything and everything in his path. Since then he has stuck to chewing his toys and or blankets. Upon finding his furever home in May 2023 , the legendary doggo made his long journey from Texas to BC. This was a long treacherous Journey , which was followed by Tuckerman laying claim to an entire neighborhood and becoming a triple OG and local legend. He enjoys being silly , watching tv , Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool as well as shootin' some b-ball outside of the school. He strongly dislikes getting into vehicles , npcs who slow down unnecessarily and sketch out his owner on walks , npcs on side walk , npcs in general , kids on bikes , SOME local doggos , cats. He operates his turf on a treato tax system. He requires treatos and scratches to maintain peace and order. He is ultra pawtective of his OG. His finishing move is a devastating combo of spins and tackles also known as Tuckers Tornado. He can do this move when in a good mood so dont take it personally. If your ever feeling down , Tuckerman is STILL AROUND
"When i Grow up , i wanna be just like Chewy-Tuckerman" - Local Kids