A Chicken- Dookit would be described by some as splendiferous, amazing, lovable and far from a curried item. Very quickly observed in the wild as the leader of the pack, however in social environments such as ques in supermarkets and other similar spots, the Chicken-Dookit is far from its usual extroverted self. They tend to avoid making eye contact and shuffles for imagined belongings in any available pockets. In the past when the Chicken-Dookit has worn clothing with no pockets such as a dress they panick and reach in to by-standers pockets, which usually results in being labelled as a bad bad, Chicken-Dookit. When spending time with relatives in Peru, they were encouraged to engage in this act as a form of entertainment to the rest of the tribe. Which probably had a detrimental effect on the Chicken-Dookit's social skills in later life.
Despite this apparent defect, they are sweet and are great in tortillas with garlic mayo, chilli sauce and variety of salady pieces of veg-taaaaables!
Q-Hey you! Chicken-Dookit! What you doing in my pockets?!?!?
A-Oh I dunno!!
Q-Well stop that nonsense and get in my tortilla!!
R-Yea and bring your friends!!
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