to illegally take upskirt photos of female genitalia without their knowledge for you own perverted pleasure.upskirtchopetoryscum
"the nasty little chope was caught chopeing on the escalators in the shopping mall."
"The chope wasnt prosecuted because the Tory decided chopeing shouldn't be illegal"
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To engage in or encourage the practice of secretly filming lady parts via the upskirt method.
I got caught choping the other day, but it's cool as it's not a crime in the UK apparently.
I tried to chope her, but she was wise to it and punched my in the throat.
I just choped that woman, but it wasn't a woman so I sent the clip to Jacob.
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The act of taking an unwanted photograph of a woman's genitals by placing a camera under their skirt. Also known as upskirting.
Named after Conservative MP and full time scumbag Sir Christopher Chope who blocked a bill to make the practice illegal.
Did you see that pervert choping that woman?
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To take a photograph up a woman's skirt or dress without her consent. British slang, also known as upskirting. Named for Sir Christopher Chope, MP. I chope, you chope, Sir Christpher Chope chopes.
Sir Christopher was caught choping the other day and deselected from his seat for being a perve.
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A British term for someone who is a fan of Upskirt pictures. They do not themselves take upskirt pictures but do endeavour to support and encourage the taking of such pictures. They may also use such pictures for mastabatory purposes.
Christopher is a chope, he's too timid to take upskirt shots of girls but he loves looking at them.
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The practice of making unauthorized photographs under a woman's skirt, capturing an image of her crotch area, underwear and sometimes genitalia. The term "chope" can also refer to a photograph, video, or illustration which incorporates an upskirt image. The term is also sometimes used to refer generically to any voyeur photography โ that is, catching an image of somebody unaware in a private moment.
"Why is that guy holding his hand out and grinning?"
"See that girl with the short skirt standing next to him? He's choping"
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A term used to refer to out-of-touch old (typically straight/white) males whose sheer disconnect with contemporary society threatens to send them to an aneurysm-induced early grave. The only thing keeping them from shuffling off this mortal coil is a mix of their utter terror of dying having lived such an irrelevant existence, manic willpower induced by a potentially dementia-addled brain, and their passion for sniffing and photographing female underwear.
See that elderly gentleman over there? The one who's crawling on the ground taking photos of women while chattering to himself? Total chope, hands down.
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