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Something med students in poland are subject to. Especially ones at PUMS. It’s essentially a blend between the local sausage link and the ever imposing girth of the Spanish delicacy ....the chorizo. Most med students in poland are often on the run from the choribasa and fear it. It can come out of nowhere especially on test day. Once you come in contact with the choribasa your ass tends to hurt for a few days and it takes some getting used to in order to accept the fact that the mighty choribasa is never far and always willing to give you a taste.

Student 1:Man........ I got the choribasa on that test. It was awful. I didnt have a snowballs chance in hell. Walked into the testing center and I could tell I needed to brace for impact.

Student 2: Yeah bro.....i still have the choribasa in my ass from pathology block 3. Ive just learned to accept that its now stuck in there for a while. It is what it is

Student 1: yeah man.....its the reality. I’d just appreciate it if they gave us some lube next time.

by Z rocket May 19, 2021