Currently, it is an unofficial term meant for women who are cisgendered, but they face oppression for being lesbians. In terms of intersectionality, they occupy a position of privilege higher than trans-women, and this higher position of privilege is used against cisbians quite often; with phrases like "check your privilege, cisgender." Trans-women tend to have an addiction and thirst to this kind of woman, and they would become slightly violent if they do not conquer her. Interestingly, the "Madonna-Whore Complex" would become observable from trans-women's angry lashings at cisbians.
Queer Folx GenderQueer teacher: So, Sally you have to understand that even though you are shunned by society for being a lesbian; you are still privileged!
Sally: Why?
Queer Folx GenderQueer teacher: It is because you are a cisbian silly!
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