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A relocation forum that claims to allow all points of view but is really just a front for Realtors. Moderators are given extreme power and control to ban members that they disagree with. If you post anything negative about a city or state you will eventually be banned.

They have a reputation points system that is completely useless. The Mods, Realtors, and clique play childish "rep me" games with one another so as to bolster their points to appear like experts to the naive newbies.

newbie: Hi I'm a single mom with 3 kids and I want to move to Florida. I have no job, no family there, and no money in the bank. Florida has palm trees and warm weather and that's why I want to move there.

Realtor: Come on down, you'll do fine here.

actual FL resident: You shouldn't put your children in jeopardy like that. Florida's unemployment is really high and jobs are hard to get. Save up money and line up a job before you move here.

city-data clique member: Shut up you troll. Florida is perfect and you are just a malcontent.

Ohio resident: City-data clique member and Realtor are correct. I visited Walt Disney World 15 years ago so I know everything about Florida. Palm trees make everything perfect so I am moving there myself. I'm so tired of these malcontents hijacking threads.

newbie: Thanks Realtor, city-data clique member, and Ohio resident for all of your help. "Actual resident" please stay off of my thread and quit being a malcontent. I only wanted positive posts.

actual resident: How am I a malcontent for just telling the truth and trying to help someone?

Mod: closed for Mod review

Mod reps Realtor, city-data clique member, and Ohio resident. They rep Mod back. Mod bans actual resident from city-data.

by Joey the Moderator July 21, 2010

300👍 52👎


City-Data, also known as Chitty-Data and Censored-Discussion, is a website that fronts as a city information site, but is really nothing but a lame chat forum that is run like a nazi concentration camp.

After you have made a few posts, you'll likely notice they have been deleted. This is because C-D is possibly the most heavily moderated and censored forum on the net, with the most f'ed up TOS where the gestapo mods will delete your posts, issue infractions, or ban you just because they feel like it. This is most common in the biggest boiling shit cesspool on the site, the politics & other controversies forum.

In this forum, you will discover it's nothing but a shithole infested with right wing extremists and neo-nazis. These inbred hicks will troll up every thread with racist comments and parroting the latest bullshit from Fox News and Glenn Beck, and the stormtrooper mods will protect them. If you try to call out these nazi posters, you will get banned.
Because of this, there are numerous unconfirmed rumors that this forum's moderators and the site itself have strong ties to Stormfront.

Typical interaction on this forum:

"I fucking hate niggers like Obama. That muslim nig needs to be put on the next slave ship back to Kenya."

You: "I don't like Obama either, but do you really need to talk like that?"

20 seconds later, you will receive a message: "You have been banned from the City-Data forum. Reason; trolling"

If you ever wanted the true "Auschwitz experience", visit the City-data forum!

by MC Banhammer August 29, 2012

259👍 66👎

City-Data Forum

A really piece of crap forum "moderated" by scumbags, including the senior moderators- as well as filled with realtors and low lives who will begin an argument out of nowhere. The wannabe moderators who in reality are loser users who are supported by the even more loser senior moderators will delete/close ANY thread they don't like or that they perceive as "trolling" material, like a thread about why Georgia has many places ending with A, there is absolutely no tolerance for humor and the rules are insanely stupid. Examples of rules: "no "I am leaving" threads, no threads about moderation in the "about the forum" category, no "specific city threads" in the U.S. general forum... And you can't close your account, the only way to get out of the shithole is to troll around until you get banned or ask the senior moderator to ban you and he will quickly assist you in your plea. Don't direct message them about moderators they will not do anything. Moderators are allowed to mock users and disrespect their threads but you can't even respond back to them at their public profile pages or they will give you an infraction.

"Many funny names of cities in Georgia ending with "A""
Moderator deletes the thread- Reason: Trolling
"What's up with moderators here"
Moderator deletes the thread- Reason: DM the senior moderator on this matter, you are violating the terms of service by starting this thread.
To senior moderator: "I am not happy with the moderation here, etc. etc."
To senior moderator: "Ban me please"

A few minutes later

"You have been banned from the forums"
Reason: per request
Date the ban will be lifted: Never

Ex-member: Thank goodness I left City-Data Forum, what a f piece of shit site!

by Magolor_Marxian March 10, 2013

235👍 42👎

city-data forum

A place where crazies go to rant, extreme ego-trippers are tapped as volunteer "moderators" that hand out inane "infractions" & censor members for any reason under the sun (or no reason at all), and sane members get weeded out eventually by being banned. It is a very Darwinian forum where only the insane, liars, trustees (those who suck up to "moderators"), and senior "moderators" survive.

Thank God I was banned from "city-data forum"!

by yankhadenuf December 4, 2010

369👍 82👎

city-data forum

A heavily restrictive trashy forum, based in and operated from Pyongyang, North Korea. Mods live in Pyongyang, the administrator is a relative of Kim Il-Sung. Forum operates under the laws of the Juche philosophy, the Kim dynasty, and the laws of North Korea. They ban anyone at their discretion for posting something they don't like, and to no surprise as North Korea is a totalitarian dictatorship with zero freedom of speech.

city-data forum

Thread deleted. Reason; redundant. Actually, Violation of the laws of the DPRK, Disrespect against the DPRK.

You have been banned for the following reason.

Trolling. Actually, Violation of our laws - Treason against the DPRK and the Juche/Kim dynasty.

Date the ban will be lifted; Never.

by He who knows11 October 26, 2020

13👍 4👎

city-data forum

A North Korea based forum with no freedom of speech. Kim Jong-Chul is the city-data forum administrator, and he clearly resides in Pyongyang and is a known relative of the late Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il, and that country's current dictator Kim Jong-Un. His city-data forum profile lies that he's in Illinois, but he's actually in Pyongyang. The Administrator and every single mod, as well as over 95 percent of posters on the city-data forum, are residents of Pyongyang. And it's strange that Chicago, Il is their golden calf. They've recently put new rules in that only residents of Pyongyang are allowed to use their forum. Not only posting something that someone finds offensive, but also even joining if you're not a resident of Pyongyang will get you banned immediately. They read and log your IP address, and if your IP address doesn't come from Pyongyang, they'll ban you for treason. They also have blocked innumerable other sites, including Topix, for treason. As an example, you write "Topix" in a post and it activates a filter that censors it and replaces it with "domain blocked due to treason."

Typical city-data forum vBulletin messages for non-Pyongyang residents and/or persons who post something considered offensive are often as follows;

You have been banned for the following reason;

Date the ban will be lifted; Never.

Or even;

You have been banned for the following reason;

Date the ban will be lifted; Never.

by He who knows11 October 21, 2021

6👍 4👎

City-Data Forum

City Data is a website that pretends to be for social media users to research different places. In reality, it's a forum of controlling weirdos who get off arguing about YOUR OPINON of preferring different weather. IE Not preferring PACNW rain. Then after several weirdos attack you for your weather preferences, when you defend your PREFERENCE, you'll get banned.

City-Data Forum is a website message board where people argue about nothing and everything, and if you defend youself you get banned.

by AudreyMiles September 24, 2023