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A person with no tattoos. (Named after cleanskin wines. A cleanskin wine is a bottle of wine with no brand or label apart from one to tell you the variety of grape used, but never the name of the winery producing it.)

Man: So do you have any tattoos?
Stripper: Nope, I'm a cleanskin, cant you tell?

by SpunkierRat March 21, 2009

30👍 10👎


A pleasant shit, thats easy to pass, that you didnt have to wipe for. Unfortunately, they are infrequent, so one must cherish the moment when blessed.

Person 1: "Dude i just had a cleanskin, when i wiped there was nothing on the toilet paper"

Person 2: "I fucking love those Terry Urds"

by Jooiiiiimmmmms January 4, 2010

15👍 19👎


Cleanskinning: the act of embarking on sexual adventures without the use of a condom.

Guy 1: "Hey mate what are you up to tonight?"

Guy 2: "Not a lot aye totes gunna be cleanskinning that girl from the pub last night"
Guy 1: "Don't be a fool, wrap your tool"

by Chris3690 April 11, 2015