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club soda

water with carbon dioxide in it, essentially soda water

Club Soda is better than any soft drink!

by PlayDohMan May 9, 2004

77👍 17👎

Club Soda

When you are eating out a girl and she sneazes causing urine to spray your face

Read the definition for club soda, it's self explanitory

by COD 6 Gamrs June 16, 2010

24👍 52👎

Club soda

Club soda

Can I have a club soda please

by February 4, 2021

2👍 1👎

Billy-club soda

Any beverage purchased at an establishment with the intent to be used as a weapon immediately or at any point during or after the beveragells consumption..

Did you see that video with that boy getting knocked out with a tea can? Yeah he got hit with the billy-club soda

by Double thunder pants March 3, 2023