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A word used to refer to those with lacking mental abilities; prone to dogma and lies, such as Father Christmas and Christianity.
A given person known as "Cobbo" will often use a made-up language that, on first glance, appears to be similar to English. However there are underlying, integral grammatical and conceptual divergence that often renders cobbo-speak text unfathomable to normal human beings.

"Ok, I think I just pulled a cobbo"
"He's like a more retarded cobbo"
"Is that a cobbo-ism?"

by Kholint July 14, 2006

22👍 12👎

cobbo mob

A family of aboriginals.

Did you see the smelly cobbo mob?

by roothy May 7, 2007

1👍 5👎


Can be used as street slang for a joint/the state of mind after smoking said joint (High)

"Gonna smoke a right fat stinky Cobbo"
"Wow I am so Cobbo'd right now"

by SexyWaifuGirl December 3, 2013