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The practice of criticizing or punishing people who are perceived to violate expectations of behavior and attitude regarding issues that are important to liberals, even when those violations are extremely subtle or unintended to cause offense.

Examples of conservative-shaming include being viciously mocked or threatened on liberal media and/or social media, having one's business boycotted, having one's awards revoked, or being dismissed from employment.

Conservative-shaming is the number one way in which an entire generation has been converted to liberalism, by means of public embarrassment and fear of punishment. Conservatives have become afraid to speak the truth publicly, and this has caused the current generation to believe that their way of seeing things is the way that 90% of people see things, since they are not allowed to hear the other side. The only time they are allowed to hear a conservative speak is when they find an example of an uneducated conservative speaking in an obscene or inarticulate fashion, playing that person's quote all over media, while refusing to play quotes from reasonable articulate conservatives, for fear that their views might be listened to. The lack of being allowed to see both viewpoints in a fair debate has also caused the current generation to believe that all liberals came to their conclusions on their own, through logical reasoning, instead of through brainwashing and peer pressure, which is the actual source of their beliefs.

Just because I called Bruce Jenner"he" instead of "she", there was a flood of conservative-shaming all over social media, and my family business was boycotted until we had to declare bankruptcy! Now my children are embarrassed to go to school because they will be hated for being from a conservative family, and we have no money to send them to college. I wish liberals could just show some TOLERANCE for other viewpoints. I didn't "damage society" by calling Bruce Jenner "he", and my children shouldn't be punished for such a small "violation" of liberal opinions.

by Sorry for Speaking unPC Truth July 4, 2020

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