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A paranoid shut in that believes in almost all of the conspiracy theories on the internet. Usually Alex Jones junkies even though they claim they are not. Cannot be spotted in the wild, instead seen roaming message boards and blogs attempting to spread their disease of paranoia. Should be treated with massive anxiolytics as that would end their belief in crazy stuff but that would require them to trust doctors which of course they don't (they are Illuminati mind control shills).

Sane dude: Wow that earthquake in Japan was devastating

Conspiratard: Yeah makes you wonder who was behind it (hmm HAARP, wink wink)

Sane dude #2: WTF are you talking about? It was an earthquake idiot.

Conspiratard: Yeah and the twin towers were brought down by a couple of guys with box cutters. You sheep! Do your own research!! Don't drink fluorinated water either!! Ahhh!!!

by signate July 23, 2011

287👍 34👎


A person who gets wrapped up in, or obsessed with, conspiracy theories that have no foundation, are not plausible, or otherwise possible in this dimension or any other. "Conspiratard" is a portmanteau of "Conspiracy retard."

"Take off your tin foil hat and put away your theories on Reptilians you conspiratard!"

by SadieSay June 26, 2014

46👍 6👎


Somebody dumb enough to think that the moon landing footage was faked and they spent millions of dollars building a massive rocket and sending it into the atmosphere just to keep up appearances.

Conspiratard: They tried to fool us by spending millions of dollars building a massive rocket and shooting it into space, but there were no astronauts actually inside it, they filmed a fake moon landing in the desert. A real truther knows that elaborately expensive and unnecessary cover-ups is just what governments do.

by pepelepeu March 4, 2016

24👍 4👎


Conspiratard: a social media individual that when is disagreed with, receiving criticism or shown to be untruthful resort to accusations and imaginary persecution victimhood rather than present any facts to defend their position.

Example: That C-Inferno goes full conspiratard when faced with criticism
Example: Anita Sarkeesian is a complete conspiratard victim

by Cheeky Bastard Gaming Icon October 16, 2015

13👍 7👎


The polar opposite of a Normie: they are just as extreme and unsuspecting of their brainwashing, as the normie is of theirs. They will claim that because Alex Jones said the elite sacrifice children at the altar of Moloch in Bohemian Grove, it must be true. They will also scoff at the proposition that germ theory is a completely fraud, and that no virus has ever been truly isolated (in the true definition of the word), then demonstrated to cause illness in healthy organisms.

All Normies who 'wake up', becoming disillusioned with their curated world-view, are destined to become a Conspiratard before truly understanding the complex depth of corruption, and malevolent intelligence behind every single facet of life.

The Conspiratard world view may be considered a sort of spiritual purgatory, whereby their ego must become purified, thus come to the understanding that the only thing they know for sure is that they know nothing at all. Upon leaving this spiritual purgatory, the Conspiratard becomes enlightened, recognising that the only way they can come to know reality is to experience it for themselves and apply logic and reason to all issues, even those they are personally inclined to believe.

Conspiratard: Did you know the US military has admitted to being in contact with interdimensional aliens known as the galactic federation and are going to solve all the worlds problems?
Normie: Did you know the US military has admitted to being in contact with interdimensional aliens known as the galactic federation and are going to solve all the worlds problems?
Conspiratard: ...
Normie: ...

Auto-hoaxer: Gee, that sounds an awful lot like the Qanon narrative.
Conspiratard: OMG. you are such a libtard. WWG1WGA. Enjoy the show *firework emoji*
Auto-hoaxer: *Grabs popcorn*

by The Narrow Path December 22, 2021

2👍 1👎


a person who believes in silly conspiracy theories, such as the moon landing hoax or a flat earth.

Only a conspiratard would think that Coca Cola purposely made New Coke suck for publicity.

by Jack Ape August 30, 2008

133👍 45👎


Combination of "conspiracy" and "retarded", a person or theory characterized by paranoid and illogical thinking based around bat-shit insane ideas. Ideas include things such as: The world is run by alien reptiles, the government is into telepathic mind control, the Boston Bombing never really happened and weather is controlled by the CIA. The state of conspiratarded usually comes as a result of too much time in mom's basement combined with forgetting to take meds.

1. Everything from Ed Chiarini- including the claim that Adam Lanza is Michael Phelps the Olympic swimmer- is extremely conspiratarded.

2. Alex Jones is a perfect example of a conspiratarded idiot.

3. Conspiracy sites such as GLP are good places to observe the conspiratarded in their natural habitat.

by Conspiratarded Expert April 3, 2014

3👍 1👎