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God she is the most beautiful person with a marvelous soul. But her best attributes is that she’s selfless and loyal. She might come out as the quite bunch at first glance but you have been very mistaken. If she’s with the right people she can make you laugh for days. She’s basically a hidden goddess in earth( extremely good dancer too).You'd be lucky if you catch a girl like this as your girlfriend because she’s a keeper( amazing sex too very kinky)

Boy: Yo come hang out with us Constanza.

by Starlight67 March 18, 2020

161πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The most amazing person you will ever meet. Handsome, funny, kind and never gets mad. Can help you in any situation and is a very good girlfriend. Very good at sports and very intelligent.

I’m in love with Constanza, she is so hot!

by Green Turkey October 21, 2019

159πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


The essence of a beautiful spirit. When she walks into the room you can tell that something is extremely wonderful about her. Very sweet. Very passionate.

When i look into the sunset, I have a feeling of Constanza

by SillyBillyCool September 29, 2011

304πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Female name, latin origin, associated with witchcraft. It's not a common name for countries other than Spain and Italy.
Shortly, if you meet a Constanza she's probably sweet, friendly, intelligent (extremely smart), passionate, and HOT.

Dude, I want Constanza so badly!

by BIGDELPATRON March 2, 2011

218πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


Constanza is the most beautiful and hot girl in the world. In addition to being intelligent, she is funny, if you come across a certainty, make her your girlfriend, it may be the only chance you have.

(she is very good at kissing)

constanza is the best person I have ever met

by lolweeeeloveeeee November 23, 2021

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A whore. She broke my heart. I hate you Constanza

That girl looks like a whore. She must be a Constanza

by Constanza_pls_come_back November 22, 2021

5πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž