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Fancy word for “fuck ton

There’s a “copious” amount of idiots in this country

by Just another conservative 1776 May 18, 2019

32👍 6👎



"The football team's trick play was so copious!"
"Dude! Killing a guy is so not copious!"

by Tennis Bear November 11, 2008

23👍 50👎


underground Aussie HipHop crew residing in the Australian state of Tasmania.

Copious were rippin the stage to pieces with there phatter then life flows.

by covert. January 23, 2007

9👍 27👎


Abundant, Adequate.

Yes, I call the Men's room closest to my office, "MY" Bathroom!

I have placed 2-3 cans of spray on the sink & I am going to demand you start using them in copious (LARGE) amounts because the hallway is starting to smell like someone's barn!

by curtikins February 12, 2009

53👍 20👎


Abundant, often ridiculously so

All these high schoolers write with such copious wording, I just have to give them F's, and I know they just go home and cut themselves because of it.

by Louis K June 1, 2005

79👍 46👎

Copious Tang

"Lots of pussy."

Used to describe when large numbers of incredible sexay females are present.

Where tang becomes "pussy".


"Come to the pub Tuesday night, there's copius tang there after 9pm!!"


"Copious tang there yesterday, you missed it ..."

by Sebastian and 2BC April 27, 2009

Copious Smeg

Copious amounts of White GUNK around and under a mans forskin.

Ashley hand has copious smeg

by Thunder cuntz July 4, 2018

1👍 1👎