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Widespread cancellation of public events (festivals, conventions, etc.) due to precautionary vigilance created by a threat of the spread of a severe communicable disease. This spread is different from a "Jaws Effect" (a mass hysteria beach-a-phobia for the over pronounced fear of shark attack) as Coroncellations have much more of a realistic impact to public safety, and much more evidence to support their inception.

This word is simple portmanteau of Corona - from the outbreak of the Corona Virus in early 2020 - and Cancellations.

The verb form is Coroncel

(This word is also not intended to downplay any severity of related events....past, present, and future) - Karma

FIRST The Arnold Sports Festival Expo in Columbus, THEN The MWC 2020 in Barcelona, AND NOW some are saying that they may have to Coroncel WrestleMania in Florida. These Coroncellations are going to wreak havoc on the entertainment economy for sure.

by Rough Draft Video March 7, 2020