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A cross breed of a Animals that gives of a very unique sound that sounds exactly like a deep sleeping human/ape when it snores soo loudly that it has enough power to keep every neighbour within a mile radius awake at night. Has been known to have enough bass sound waves in it to shatter walls.

The only known solutions to cure this in a human
for it to sleep during the noise of the day,

move to a remote area with little existance, deep underground.

Or the slaughter of such beast. (Which is murder and not recommended for humanity reasons)


As the legend goes this was founded

In Piccadilly Tamworth. Where nieghbours tend to keep each other awake at night with the very thin walls in the original mining houses. It is more Common when the said beast has done a hard days work.

The beast in question is a descent of the "wookie"

Also see "snorlax"

Jeez that's some kind of snore. Sounds like a Crocadillahillapig 🤣💤

by Tayan January 28, 2021