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Noun: a meaningful friendship or relationship developed during the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic.

A friendship that may be based on chat or zoom, or caused by forced isolation together.

Often the sort of friendship which helps people see the best in the world during a dark time. A friendship that helps you see the best in you, and let’s you see the best in them. A friendship that you know will last forever.... probably like f***ing COVID-19.

Verb: The act of wooing or building a close bond during Coronavirus lockdown.

Cromantic. Adjective, conducive to or alluding to a coronavirus based friendship.

“Hey dude, you chatting to that chic?”
“Yeh man, we got a little cromance going on.”

During quarantine, Sarah moved in with her boyfriend. They had a whirlwind cromance.

“Hey you wanna Zoom date tonight babe, time for some cromance?”
“Oh, babe, you’re so cromantic

by Countdown July 28, 2020


"Cruise" "romance" or Cromance is a honeymoon between two strangers who will inevitably never see eachother again after the five day bender of drinking, eating, and swimming on a cruise ship. Usually results between the only two age appropriate people on the ship.

"Are you on your honeymoon?" "No, we just met." "Looks like you're having a great cromance. Another mai tai?"

by Lucille Balls April 5, 2010

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