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A Crypto-Sinophobic is person that is lowkey or openly racist towards Chinese, but are using the Chinese government as an excuse to shit on Chinese people. They use racial slurs towards China, not knowing that offends Chinese people, Hong Kongers and other Asian ethnics. The amount of Crypto-Sinophobics has increased since the Hong Kong riot. They pretend to care about Hong Kong but they treat Western-Asians like trash in their country.

Note: The term can be applied to both Liberals and Conservatives

Crypto-Sinophobic: "We don't hate Chinese people, we only hate the GoVeRmEnT"

Crypto-Sinophobic: "Hong Kong should be freed from these ching chong"
Proud Hong Kongers: "Umm my grandparents is from China and we're still ethnically Chinese!"

Crypto-Sinophobic: "Fuck China and their small dick chink leader Pooh"
Proud Hong Kongers: "Shut the fuck up bitch! You have no right to use that word!"

by AznUnity November 19, 2019

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