Delusional confidence usually found in those cunts of the highest order.
"look at that stupid prick dancing in the kanye west glasses, full of cuntfidence"
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1 a: a feeling or consciousness of a bitchy womans powers or of reliance on bitchs circumstances
b: faith or belief that (said bitch) thinks shes emotionally destroying her husband in a right, proper, or effective way
2: the quality or state of being certain : certitude (cuntitude?)
1 a:<had perfect cuntfidence in her ability to emasculate her husband> < she debased her husband with brash cuntfidence>
1 b:<having cuntfidence in highlighting her husbands shortcomings>
2 a:<they had every cuntfidence of successfully killing husbands spirit>
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A woman that is very confident of her sexual abilities.
A woman that finds it easy to get men in bed.
Monique was Cuntfident she could easily get Alan into bed leading ultimately to a Mushroom Cloud.
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(Adjective) when a person is so confident that they are a cunt.
Dat cuntfident bitch a strong 4 walkin around like she an 8!
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Having confidence while carrying out an antisocial act.
Did you see the way that driver cut me off and then zoomed through the train barrier as it was closing?! Now that takes cuntfidance.
A woman confident in the knowledge that her lady garden is aesthetically pleasing.
Having spent some time in the women's naked spa, she was feeling very cuntfident.
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A Well spoken, self-assured woman.
I mean, it's one thing to be sure of yourself, but she's just cuntfident.