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Daniyaal is a shy yet sweet boy. He gets pissed easily and may annoy you, but overall, he is an amazing friend to have! Treat your Daniyaal like a king, one day he'll be rich.

Be like Daniyaal!

by unknownbutknown123 November 22, 2021

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D is for dream, your beacon ahead.

A is for acts, the daily acts of kindness shown to others

N is for neighborly, friendly to all acquaintances

I is for inspire, others seek your guidance.

Y is for yippee, and the things that inspire you to yell it

A is for aware, of your surroundings

A is for affirm, the certainty of knowledge.

L is for lucky, who is more?
The guy who is named this is sweet, and kind and yet the most secretive person known. He is an intellect of one of kind and lethargic one of a kind too. The man might have inherited the beauty he holds from the parents yet he stares with voidy eyes. Not to misunderstand him, he looks like a cold hearted stone but a baby by heart. Take care of him if you earn him as a friend as he is just like a daisy. He loves being around people and making new friends. He is the famous guy as he has the charms.

Daniyaal is a weirdo. (proper noun)

by itsyourpersonsinclair November 22, 2021


She is a honest, sassy, sporty, popular and loving girl,who serious deep rooted daddy issues. She has an idgaf attitude and it’s true, if you walk out on her she won’t be mad cuz she knows it your loss. She has been hurt enough and doesn’t need more pain. Daniya is too smart for her own good she been doing stuff advanced for her age since childhood, she gets away from her problems by her short obsessions (Netflix and books). She is the best therapist you’ll get but never takes her own advice. She acts on impulse to see the beauty of all thing unexpected because that always brings the best. If a Daniya likes you, you are friggin lucky because she will give you all the love she can like every day is the last. If your friends with one, give her a hug and never let her go cuz she will ALWAYS be there for, no matter where you say she stands.

(She is hot, she doesn’t believe it but she has a body that people would kill for, she just needs to open her eyes to see it her self)

Who the girl who aced the English test?
I heard she was captain of the basketball team.
So it must be Daniya

by The hottest bitch June 21, 2022

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Daniya is a fiery girl with wit and intelligence. She fights all the haters (some may even say dab on them). A beautiful girl with an insatiable thirst for knowledge, beating everyone in the class. Possible knick names include: dana, dan schneider and daniya al she wants a dadi.

Who won the pop quiz?? It was Daniya of course!!

by nickelodeonfinatic June 25, 2021

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POV: Your name is Daniya and you are bored, so you decide to look at your name in the Urban dictionary, but you end up cringing a most of the definitions.

Daniya: Hmmm i'm bored...let's search up my name! :00

-2 mins later-

Daniya: What the hell did i just read....like WHAT THE HECC NOONONONO!!!! THATS NOT TRUE >:000 >:((((((
*dies of cringe*

by Missunknown :) September 17, 2021

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Daniya is typically someone who is quite mean (it this case a "meanie") and is hated by a dragon named Figment.

Stop being such a Daniya right now...

"Hey did you talk to Danyia today?" "No, she was so mean today."

by figmentlovesmemore September 28, 2021

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If you are a Daniya , you have a big forhead And Talk to much You have a boyfriend Thats ugly and You eat alot of food , Fat girl You Are Annoying & Im not scary so P.S. Its kaylea

Oh and u stank a liL bit


by burarrr November 21, 2021

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