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Davit is an armenian name. Davit's are known for massive cocks and a sexy body. They can beat everyone and they are very intelligent.

Girl1: How is he?
Girl2: I can't stop thinking about him, he is my Davit

by imrightiknow November 23, 2021


asian way of saying, "David". Davits tend to be dead sexy.

Also a small crane that raises and lowers small boats. Those, however, are not sexy. A davit is not sexy. A Davit is. Notice the capitalization.

asian lady1: Ohh, you know Davit?
asian lady2: Ahh, he gudt looking boy.

by magin March 7, 2007

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Someone who's considered soft or a 'softie'. A davit is often inter changeable with the word softie. A davit would have a distinct lack of toughness about them.

''Is that a davit over there?'' 'obviously ya muppet, look how soft that fella is'

by alzdefs March 5, 2015

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a davit

"A davit" I am impossible conversationalist..
Sounds like David..

That dude has worst temper and sucks at conversation.. I second that. He must be "a davit"

by 12speed December 11, 2022

Davit Azatyan

A man known for his amazing dicking sucking. He is comparable to the greats like Muhammad Ali or Mozart

gay man: hey there is a davit Azatyan down the block if you want some nice head

by Dazatcansuckmycock May 1, 2022

Mrtka Davit

Prostฤ› a jednoduลกe mrtka davit

*someone joins a call on discord* oh lol its Mrtka Davit

by Rokayy August 18, 2020

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An affidavit used in a court case or administrative proceeding which takes substantial liberties with the truth, and contains gross exaggerations or over-simplifications, or is missing significant relevant facts needed to render the document genuinely truthful.

"He would never have gotten out of paying child support if not for that trumped-up daffy-davit his boss wrote."

by Ledbatz March 1, 2008

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