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A really cool guy who is good at everything

Wow look at that kid I bet his name is Davontre

by TotallyNotDavontre January 30, 2018

11👍 1👎


An annoying little shit of a child, likes to annoy everyone around him despite knowing that they hate him very much. likes to make corny jokes and do prop comedy even though it makes people want to stab him in the throat with a spork.
makes his mother want to drink heavily. Is permanently scarred by his sister roasting him daily and telling penis jokes.
eats the memes, breathes the memes, shits the memes.

Randomchick: this guy i hang out with is so annoying
Randomguy: must be a Davontre
Randomchick: how did you know?
Randomguy: Davontres are obnoxious

by TotallyNotLiz March 7, 2018

5👍 1👎


A really neat-o dude with a rad-itude. Super bodacious.

Davontre is really groovy

by Smolboihohef September 17, 2018